Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jersey Shore

When I first saw the preview for "The Jersey Shore," I laughed. However, to my dismay, I look back now and admit I watched every episode. This show is a new phenomenon in America. It gives the term "guido" a far greater meaning than ever before. "The Jersey Shore" brought 8 proud italians to one house and let them wreak havoc on each other for part of the summer. The season was filled with italian food, fighting, sex, and lots of drama.

Television has really started to belittle the traditional values of respect, dignity, and maintaining a level of class. Reality shows have taken over television and they only fill viewers' minds with nonsense and drama. It is also scary that viewers of these dirty shows are becoming younger and younger. Television can have a huge influence on people's behavior and what is socially acceptable. These shows are really influencing the younger generation to think that fighting and acting immature is acceptable behavior. These reality shows put a huge emphasis on hooking up, sex, going out, and getting trashed every night. This can and will be very detrimental to young viewers.

I find it crude and disturbing that young people around America are intrigued by the things portrayed in this hit show, however, I am one of these people. For some odd reason, it is interesting to watch other people fight, dance, and party. Perhaps, it is out of jealousy. I know for a fact people think it is more acceptable to spike and gel their hair and "fist pump" at parties. I have experienced it at several parties after the show was released. There has even been "Jersey Shore" themed parties here at Ohio State.

This show made girls and guys around the world reconsider what is attractive. Gaudy jewelry, teased hair, and extremely fake tans have now become the popular look for our generation. "The Jersey Shore" has really glorified "guidos" and has changed their reputation forever. Even though I will admit I watched every episode of the first season of "The Jersey Shore," I disagree with the messages portrayed in the show. Getting in fights every night, getting trashed, and hooking up with random people in hot tubs while having it filmed is not classy nor respectable.

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