Monday, January 25, 2010

Flaws or Fake?

Plastic surgery has become more and more of an obsession as our technology progresses. There is a considerble amount of different cosmetic procedures and enhancements out there today. It is obvious that it is "hot" to have big and perky boobs, a big butt, and a perfect nose. The natural aging process is becoming less and less acceptable. People will go to extreme measures to look as young as they can and as skinny as they can for as long as they can. Plastic surgery research says that since 1997, there has been a 162% increase in cosmetic surgeries just in the United States.

The question arises, "Flaws or Fake?" So many celebrities have become accustomed to getting plastic surgery; therefore, it has become more and more popular and acceptable. For some people, having procedures done is part of their regular routine. Everyone wants to look like the Hollywood stars, so they follow what those stars do, which is to get plastic surgery. Just in 2008 alone Americans spent 11.8 billion dollars on cosmetic surgeries. What happened to the idea that aging is beautiful?

Altering our bodies is what has become beautiful nowadays. Everyone wants bigger boobs, smaller noses, smaller stomachs, and no wrinkles. The idea of appreciating what you are given is fading away. Instead of looking beneath the surface and appreciating what the human body is capable of, we judge it by its cover. As we evolve, so does our idea of beauty. Plastic surgery has helped to evolve the idea of a beautiful body.

I want to raise the question to everyone, "Flaws of Fake?" What is beautiful?

If you would like to see some statistics about plastic surgery here is a link:


  1. I totally agree with what you are saying here. I understand the idea to want to look more like a celebrety and also identifying your flaws but to actually go out and spennd thousands of dollars to fix that??? Come on now, that's a bit over the top. I personally believe that natural beauty and confidence is one of the most ideal qualities in people. When someone can carry themselves well and be confident in how they naturally look, it makes them appear more approchable and more of a beautiful person. It's ridiculous that people are willing to spend so much money to change the way they look. Fake features will never look as good as they did naturally.

  2. I agree with what you are saying in this blog also. I feel that our society stresses perfection, and it is sad to see. Looking at Heidi Montag I mean she looked 1000 times better without all the surgeries, and now she thinks that she is prettier now than she was before. For me a naturally beautiful girl and a girl with a sense of humor are very attractive to me. I love girls that can dance, I mean there are so many things that make a girl beautiful, more than just physical looks. People that get plastic surgery have no confidence in themselves, which is sad to see. If you need fake features to get a person to like you, then they probably aren't the right person for you.
